
Funny Math Problems Hard Math Problems on Chalk Board

Unless y'all grew up to be an engineer, a banker, or an accountant, odds are that elementary and centre school math were the bane of your existence. You would written report relentlessly for weeks for those silly standardized tests—and yet, come up exam day, you'd yet somehow have no thought what whatever of the equations or hard math problems were request for. Trust united states of america, we get it.

While logic might atomic number 82 y'all to believe that your math skills have naturally gotten better as yous've aged, the unfortunate reality is that, unless you've been solving algebra and geometry problems on a daily footing, the reverse is more likely the instance.

Don't believe united states? Then put your number crunching wisdom to the test with these tricky math questions taken straight from class school tests and homework assignments and encounter for yourself.

1. Question: What is the number of the parking space covered by the car?

Car Space Brain Teaser {Brain Games}

This tricky math problem went viral a few years back afterward it appeared on an entrance exam in Hong Kong… for 6-year-olds. Supposedly the students had just 20 seconds to solve the problem!

Answer: 87.

Believe it or not, this "math" question really requires no math any. If yous flip the epitome upside down, you'll encounter that what you're dealing with is a uncomplicated number sequence.

2. Question: Replace the question marker in the above problem with the appropriate number.

Grade School Math Problem {Tricky Math Questions}

This problem shouldn't betoo difficult to solve if you play a lot of sudoku.

Answer: 6.

All of the numbers in every row and cavalcade add together up to 15! (Also, 6 is the simply number not represented out of numbers ane through ix.)

3. Question: Find the equivalent number.

Equivalent Number Math Problem {Tricky Math Questions}

This problem comes straight from a standardized test given in New York in 2014.

Answer: 9.

a hand writing out 6th grade math equations on a chalkboard {Tricky Math Questions}

You're forgiven if you don't recollect exactly how exponents work. In order to solve this problem, you simply need to decrease the exponents (4-ii) and solve for 32, which expands into iii 10 3 and equals 9.

4. Question: How many small dogs are signed up to compete in the canis familiaris bear witness?

Dog Math Problem {Tricky Math Questions}
Image via Imgur/zakiamon

This question comes directly from a second grader'due south math homework. Yikes.

Answer: 42.five dogs.

Group of dogs

In order to figure out how many modest dogs are competing, you have to subtract 36 from 49 and then divide that answer, thirteen, by ii, to get 6.5 dogs, or the number of large dogs competing. But you lot're not done even so! Yous then accept to add half-dozen.v to 36 to get the number of small dogs competing, which is 42.v. Of course, information technology's not actually possible for one-half a canis familiaris to compete in a domestic dog evidence, simply for the sake of this math problem permit's assume that it is.

five. Question: Find the area of the reddish triangle.

Parallelogram Math Problem {Tricky Math Questions}
Image via YouTube

This question was used in Communist china to identify gifted 5th graders. Supposedly, some of the smart students were able to solve this in less than one infinitesimal.

Reply: nine.

In order to solve this problem, you need to understand how the area of a parallelogram works. If you already know how the area of a parallelogram and the surface area of a triangle are related, so adding 79 and ten and subsequently subtracting 72 and eight to become ix should brand sense—but if you lot're all the same confused, then cheque out this YouTube video for a more than in-depth caption.

half dozen. Question: How alpine is the table?

Table Cat Turtle Math Problem {Tricky Math Questions}
Paradigm via YouTube

YouTuber MindYourDecisions adapted this heed-extraordinary math question from a similar i found on an elementary school pupil's homework in China.

Answer: 150 cm.

Table Equation Answer {Tricky Math Questions|
Image via YouTube

Since i measurement includes the cat'due south height and subtracts the turtle's and the other does the opposite, you lot can substantially only act similar the 2 animals aren't there. Therefore, all yous have to do is add the 2 measurements—170 cm and 130 cm—together and divided them by 2 to get the table's height, 150 cm.

vii. Question: If the price of a bat and a baseball combined is $1.10 and the bat costs $ane.00 more than than the ball, how much is the ball?

Baseball and Bat {Tricky Math Questions}

This problem, mathematically speaking, is very similar to one of the other ones on this list.

Reply: $0.05.

Call back dorsum to that problem near the dogs at the dog show and use the same logic to solve this problem. All you accept to do is subtract $1.00 from $1.10 and then carve up that answer, $0.10 by 2, to get your concluding answer, $0.05.

8. Question: When is Cheryl'south altogether?

Birthday Math Problem {Tricky Math Questions}
Image via Facebook/Kenneth Kong

If yous're having trouble reading that, run across here:

"Albert and Bernard just became friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her birthday is. Cheryl gives them a list of 10 possible dates.

May 15           May 16           May nineteen

June 17           June 18

July fourteen            July 16

August 14       August 15       August 17

Cheryl then tells Albert and Bernard separately the month and the twenty-four hours of her birthday respectively.

Albert: I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, just I know that Bernard doesn't not know too.

Bernard: At beginning I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, just I know now.

Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl's altogether is.

So when is Cheryl'southward birthday?"

It'due south unclear why Cheryl couldn't just tell both Albert and Bernard the month and twenty-four hour period she was born, but that's irrelevant to solving this problem.

Reply: July 16.

Dislocated almost how ane could peradventure find any answer to this question? Don't worry, so was almost of the world when this question, taken from a Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad competition, went viral a few years ago. Thankfully, though, theNew York Times explains step-past-step how to become to July 16, and you can read their detailed deduction here.

ix. Question: Detect the missing alphabetic character.

Crazy Algebra Question, hard math problems
Image via Facebook/The Holderness Family

This one comes from astart grader'shomework.

Answer: The missing letter is J.

When y'all add together together the values given for S, B, and G, the sum comes out to twoscore, and making the missing letter J (which has a value of xiv) makes the other diagonal's sum the same.

10. Question: Solve the equation.

Japanese Math Problem, hard math problems
Prototype via YouTube

This trouble might look like shooting fish in a barrel, but a surprising number of adults are unable to solve information technology correctly.

Respond: 1.

Showtime by solving the division part of the equation. In order to practise that, in case you forgot, you lot have to flip the fraction and switch from division to multiplication, thus getting 3 10 three = 9. Now you take ix – 9 + i, and from at that place you can simply work from left to right and get your final answer: one.

11. Question: Where should a line be fatigued to make the below equation accurate?

boy struggling Never Say to a Teacher, hard math problems

5 + 5 + five + 5 = 555.

Answer: A line should be drawn on a "+" sign.

555 Solution, hard math problems

When you draw a slanted line in the upper left quadrant of a "+," it becomes the number 4 and the equation thusly becomes 5 + 545 + five = 555.

12. Question: Solve the unfinished equation.

Math Brain Teaser, hard math problems

Endeavor to figure out what all of the equations have in common.

Answer: 4 = 256.

The formula used in each equation is 4 x = Y. So, 4 1 = 4, 4 ii = 16, 4 iii = 64, and 4 4  = 256.

13. Question: How many triangles are in the image above?

Triangles Math, hard math problems

WhenBest Lifefirst wrote about this deceiving question, nosotros had to enquire a mathematician to explain the answer!

Answer: 18.

Some people get stumped by the triangles hiding inside of the triangles and others forget to include the giant triangle housing all of the others. Either way, very few individuals—even math teachers—have been able to find the correct answer to this problem. And for more than questions that will put your former teaching to the test, check out these 30 Questions You'd Need to Ace to Pass sixth Grade Geography.

14. Question: Add viii.563 and 4.8292.

6th grade math decimal addition, hard math problems

Adding two decimals together is easier than it looks.

Answer: 13.3922.

Don't let the fact that 8.563 has fewer numberrs than 4.8292 trip you lot up. All you take to do is add together a 0 to the stop of 8.563 and then add together like you normally would.

fifteen. Question: There is a patch of lily pads on a lake. Every day, the patch doubles in size…

Hanging Lake Colorado Enchanting Hideaways in the U.S., hard math problems

… If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would information technology take for the patch to comprehend half of the lake?

Answer: 47 days.

Most people automatically assume that half of the lake would be covered in half the time, but this assumption is wrong. Since the patch of padsdoubles in size every day, the lake would be half covered just one day before it was covered entirely.

16. Question: How many feet are in a mile?

Man holding ruler, hard math problems

This uncomplicated school-level problem is a little less problem solving and a lilliputian more than memorization.

Reply: 5,280.

This was 1 of the questions featured on the pop showAre You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

17. Question: What value of "x" makes the equation below true?

person overthinking, stressed, hard math problems

-xv + (-5x) = 0

Answer: -3.

Yous'd be forgiven for thinking that the answer was 3. However, since the number aslope x is negative, we need x to be negative as well in order to get to 0. Therefore, x has to be -three.

eighteen. Question: What is 1.92 divided by 3?

decimal division 6th grade math questions, hard math problems

You might need to ask your kids for assist on this one.

Answer: 0.64.

In order to solve this seemingly simple trouble, you need to remove the decimal from ane.92 and act like it isn't there. In one case you've divided 192 by iii to get 64, you can put the decimal identify dorsum where information technology belongs and get your final answer of 0.64.

19. Question: Solve the math equation above.

Tough Math Equation, hard math problems
Epitome via YouTube

Don't forget about PEMDAS!

Answer: 9.

Using PEMDAS (an acronym laying out the order in which you lot solve it: "parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, partition, add-on, subtraction"), you would first solve the addition inside of the parentheses (i + ii = 3), and from in that location stop the equation as it's written from left to right.

twenty. Question: How many zombies are there?

6th grade math zombies question, hard math problems

Finding the answer to this final question will require using fractions.

Answer: 34.

Since we know that in that location are 2 zombies for every three humans and that 2 + 3 = five, nosotros can separate 85 by 5 to figure out that in total, there are 17 groups of humans and zombies. From there, we can then multiply 17 by 2 and iii and learn that there are 34 zombies and 51 humans respectively. Not also bad, right?

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