
The Art of Work a Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do San Francisco

Looking for the all-time San Francisco hidden gems? Look no further, I'm here to introduce you lot to 40 super hugger-mugger spots in San Francisco – that even locals don't know nigh!

Ane thing I admittedly loved about living in San Francisco was that the metropolis was full of surprises – even afterwards living there for over a decade, I always came across cool things to do, and kept finding so many hidden gems in San Francisco!

Sure, it isn't hard to notice world-class tourist spots (like the Golden Gate Span), amazing food, and incredible views (especially at sunset), only if yous wait beneath the surface, there are so many San Francisco hidden gems to be establish as well.

I spent my 11 years living in the metropolis trying to find equally many underground spots in San Francisco, and now that I've moved away (to Orangish County), I'g finally sharing 40 of them with yous!

From hidden beaches, secluded forests, hugger-mugger viewpoints, underground photograph spots, mysterious labyrinths, and more, there are so many subconscious gems in San Francisco waiting to exist discovered. Hither are all the best subconscious gems in San Francisco that are waiting to be uncovered by you!

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twoscore Amazing Hidden Gems in San Francisco

Marshall's Beach

If yous are looking for a hidden beach that also happens to have one of the best views of the Golden Gate Bridge, so Marshall'due south Embankment is just the place for y'all! This is one of my absolute favorite spots in San Francisco, because it's got such a secluded feel, and that view simply cannot be beat.

You'll see some people at the principal role of Marshall'south Beach right next to the stairs (but far less people than at nearby Bakery Beach). For a truly secluded experience, keep walking on the sand towards the bridge.

You'll eventually encounter a little cove and will take to climb through some rocks – but once you lot get to the other side, you'll seriously experience like you lot've stumbled upon one of the truly surreptitious spots in San Francisco!

The best time to come to Marshall's Beach is for dusk – it is absolutely breathtaking here!

To get to Marshall's Beach, wait for a series of stairs just off the Batteries to Bluffs trail. Yes, they are kind of killer on the way dorsum upwardly – but trust me, it'south absolutely worth it for that incredible view and the fact that you've uncovered one of the best hidden gems in San Francisco.

You can also access Marshall's Beach by getting onto the California Littoral Trail from Bakery Embankment, but you will have to climb up the sand ladder which is quite the conditioning!

China Beach

For another underground embankment with a beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge (but without a hike!), also check out China Beach. The tiny beach, which many people overlook making it one of the best hidden gems in San Francisco, is tucked into the Body of water Cliff neighborhood, in between Lands Terminate and Baker Beach.

You'll find secret little coves here, too as gorgeous views of the Gilt Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands. At low tide, you'll see tide pools form with creatures such as starfish, anemones, and mussels.

Legend says that the beach was named afterwards Chinese fishermen who anchored their boats on the cove and camped out here long ago. At that place is a monument near the parking lot to commemorate the early on inhabitants of the embankment.

Corona Heights Park

Corona Heights Park non only boasts 1 of the all-time panoramic views in San Francisco, only hilly terrain and interesting red rock formations. While you lot can come across the rocky crags from many points in the city, many people do not realize that the small-scale park exists.

The park was formerly named Red Rock Hill, and was named subsequently the distinctive cerise rock, which one time formed on the ocean floor millions of years ago. At the plow of the 20th century, the site was once home to a quarry and brick manufacturing plant that exposed much of the rock.

On the northeast side of the park is a giant rock face up called the Beaver Street Wall, which was once a favorite of local climbers. While climbing freely was once allowed, you must at present secure a permit to climb the rock today.

A one-mile network of trails volition lead yous up to the viewpoint, from which you tin can enjoy 360 degree views of downtown San Francisco, the surrounding neighborhoods, Twin Peaks, and the East Bay.

Y'all tin also spot various wild fauna in the park, from native reptiles, red-tailed hawks, and diverse butterfly species. In the jump, the park is cute equally many wildflowers bloom on the hillside.

"Seward Street Slides" by Franco Folini is licensed nether
CC Past-SA 2.0 // edited by Caroline Ikeji

Seward Street Slides

Nearby Corona Heights Park are the Seward Street slides, tucked into the tiny Seward Mini-Park.

Signs reading "no adults unless accompanied by a child" are posted in front of the 2 steep, slippery concrete slides. The slides originated as a community activism project in the 1960s – the area was slated to be developed into apartment units, and the neighborhood rallied to protestation the development and change the zoning laws.

Some tips for going down the slides: it volition be much easier to slide down if yous sit down on a piece of cardboard (there is ordinarily some lying effectually in the area), and keep your artillery in to avoid scraping your elbows!

The slides were designed past a local teenager, who won a blueprint competition for the park. The slides are the master allure of the park, only there is also a native plant garden and a little apartment area at the bottom.

Mount Davidson

Continuing at 928 feet loftier, Mount Davidson is the highest natural signal in San Francisco. However, it is oftentimes overshadowed by Twin Peaks, which many mistakenly believe is the highest peak in the city. Therefore, you will notice that Mount Davidson is one of the hidden gems in San Francisco.

While Twin Peaks may technically accept a better view (the main caveat of Mount Davidson is that, well, Twin Peaks blocks part of the view), you'll find far fewer people at Mountain Davidson. Y'all'll as well walk through a beautiful eucalyptus woods on the way up to the summit – this is especially cute in the fog (although yous won't get much of a view on a foggy solar day).

You'll also notice a 103 foot alpine concrete cantankerous at the summit. Many people don't realize that information technology's really in that location, farther making Mount Davidson i of San Francisco's subconscious gems. The cross commemorates the victims of the Armenian genocide, and is meant to symbolize peace, reflection, and rememberance.

Billy Goat Colina

The affair with San Francisco is that there are so many viewpoints tucked into all corners of the city, and many people have no idea they exist. Billy Caprine animal Hill is a tiny green space and viewpoint tucked into a trivial hill in between the Noe Valley and Glen Park neighborhoods.

Many people, even locals, have no idea information technology exists, making Billy Goat Loma one of the true San Francisco hidden gems. I had no idea it existed, or that it had one of the all-time views in San Francisco, until a blogger friend suggested information technology as a location for a photo shoot.

The park has a bit of a rustic feel, with wooden fences and golden grass. You'll become beautiful views of not simply the downtown skyline, simply also the surrounding hilltop neighrborhoods.

California Street Cablevision Car

While riding on a cable car is one of those iconic experiences that belongs on everybody's San Francisco saucepan list, virtually visitors flock to the Powell-Hyde and Powell-Mason lines, which runs between the tourist hotspots of Marriage Foursquare and Fisherman'due south Wharf.

Many people forget that at that place is a 2d cablevision car line – the California Street line, which starts in the Financial District merely outside the Embarcadero BART station, and goes through Chinatown and Nob Loma, catastrophe on Van Ness Street.

Not merely is the California Street line much less crowded (meaning you'll avoid those super long waits), the views are arguably better because you'll be riding along one of the hilliest streets in the city.

My favorite view along the California Street line is when it goes up the hill in between Grant Ave. and Stockton St. – if you look in between the skyscrapers, you lot'll find that they perfectly frame the Bay Span in the background!

And if yous want to acquire more than almost the history and technology backside cable cars, be sure to as well cheque out the Cable Car Museum. The museum is 1 of the lesser-known ones in the city, and one of those San Francisco hidden gems. Here, y'all will find displays of several examples of one-time cablevision cars, also as exhibits that provide a unique insight into how the cable cars work.

Hamon Observation Belfry at the de Young Museum

While the de Young Museum is one of San Francisco'south premier museums, many people do non realize that at that place is an ascertainment deck sitting on the acme floor of the museum's tower. Even many locals exercise not know that information technology exists (I certainly didn't for a looooong time), making this one of the true hidden gems in San Francisco.

The Hamon Observation Belfry has panoramic views of Gilded Gate Park, Ocean Embankment,  the Presidio, the Gold Gate Bridge, the Marin Headlands, and the downtown skyline. There's even a topographical map here and so you know exactly what you're looking at.

The best role? You do not have to pay museum admission to admission the observation deck, making this one of the all-time free things to practice in San Francisco! Simply make a right equally you enter the museum to access the elevators and get upward to the ninth floor.

"Behemothic Camera (Obscura)" by RuggyBearLA is licensed nether
CC BY 2.0 // edited by Caroline Ikeji

Camera Obscura

Sitting on the cliffs nigh Lands Finish and the Sutro Baths ruins in the Outer Richmond neighborhood is the Camera Obscura, too known as the "Giant Photographic camera."

The large-scale installation and tiny museum features a working camera obscura, one of a few in the world. The device uses technology dating dorsum to the Renaissance to reflect images of the beachfront exterior.

The Photographic camera Obscura was built in the 1940s as part of the Playland at the Beach entertainment park which once stood on these grounds. It was nearly shut down twice – one time when the entertainment park close down, and once again when the Cliff House restaurant was slated for renovations.

Public support has kept the Photographic camera Obscura open, and in 2001, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places, saving it from destruction.

Ina Coolbrith Park

This tiny little park is tucked into the Russian Hill neighborhood, and boasts one of the all-time views of the San Francisco skyline and the bay. Because you accept to make your way up one of the steepest streets in the city to become to Ina Coolbrith park, information technology is one of the best San Francisco hidden gems.

To get to Ina Coolbrith Park, make your way up the Vallejo Street steps. They are super steep and your thighs will burn, simply the surrounding gardens are cute. As well, one time yous get to the top, yous will be rewarded with a stunning view that is too one of the near beautiful subconscious gems in San Francisco!

From here, you get an epic view of the downtown skyscrapers, Coit Tower, the Bay Bridge, and beyond. My favorite time to come here is for sunset – seeing the twinkling lights of the skyline against the pinkish heaven is such a magical sight.

You'll never see very many people here, so y'all'll really feel like you lot've uncovered one of the best San Francisco subconscious gems!

Lands Terminate Labyrinth

Y'all may have already heard of the Lands End trail (afterward all, it is ane of the best hikes in San Francisco), but did you know that in that location is a stone labyrinth tucked away on a side trail? Many locals don't know that it exists either – I certainly didn't until a few years agone.

The labyrinth was congenital past local artist Edward Aguilera, who was inspired to create information technology after learning virtually other historic labyrinths. He had hoped to go along it secret and bearding, merely the labyrinth was eventually discovered by hikers. His creation was destroyed twice, just he rebuilt information technology both times.

To reach 1 of the nearly hugger-mugger spots in San Francisco, follow the signs for the trail leading to Mile Rock Beach. Once at the bottom of the stairs, do non plow left to go to Mile Rock Beach; instead, go right and follow the trail nether the trees.

The stone labyrinth follows the design of a classic seven-circuit Chartres labyrinth. Y'all'll detect it set against a view of the dramatic coastline and the Golden Gate Span. Ane of the most beautiful hidden gems in San Francisco!

Balmy Alley

The Mission district has no shortage of vibrant and interesting street art – just walk down the streets and y'all'll be sure to find a landscape that catches your center.

There are several alleys in the Mission that have a collection of murals, with Clarion Alley existence perhaps the almost well-known. Further south in the neighborhood is Mild Alley, which is less visited and one of the hidden gems of San Francisco.

The one-block long alley is located in between 24th and 25th streets, and contains the about concentrated collection of murals in San Francisco. A variety of styles and subject matter are represented here, only many of the pieces are an expression of outrage over human rights issues and political issues, such as local gentrification.

Mount Sutro Forest

Mount Sutro Woods is i of those San Francisco hidden gems where it feels like an escape from the urban center – it'due south so peaceful and tranquillity here that y'all forget that you are right in the eye of a major urban center.

Mount Sutro sits backside the UCSF Medical Centre and School and it's one of those places where you most forget information technology exists in the city because it seems similar worlds abroad, making it ane of those perfect San Francisco subconscious gems.

The 80 acre forest is located below the summit of Mount Sutro, one of the highest points in the city. It is what remains of the eucalyptus forest planted over 100 years agone by Alfred Sutro, a former mayor and one of the most eccentric characters in San Francisco'south history.

Personally, I recollect the best time to come here is on a super foggy day – the kind where it's and then foggy that you don't even want to leave the house – because it gives the forest a mysterious, mythical vibe. Yous'll have no trouble finding fog hither though, considering it is located in one of the foggiest parts of the city!

Bernal Heights Park

While Bernal Heights Park is a favorite spot of locals, many visitors do non know of its existence, which is why I've included information technology on this listing of subconscious gems in San Francisco. Every time I take ane of my out-of-boondocks friends here, they terminate up thanking me for introducing me to this spot, which they otherwise would non have known about.

You absolutely cannot go incorrect with the view here, where you can encounter 360 degrees around the city. Yous tin can encounter the downtown skyline, Bay Span, Golden Gate Bridge, and beyond here.

Bernal Heights Park is especially beautiful in the spring months, when the wildflowers are in bloom. Information technology's also a favorite spot of bird watches – over xl species of birds tin can exist spotted here.

What many people (locals and tourists alike) don't know is that there is a wooden swing at the height – one of the best secret spots in San Francisco!

Musee Mechanique

Certain, Musee Mechanique is located at Fisherman's Wharf, which is past far one of the most touristy spots in the urban center. But many people do not realize that ane of the best San Francisco hidden gems exists there.

Musee Mechanique houses i of the largest privately owned collections of coin-operated antique arcade games and musical instruments. You'll see some unique (and sometimes downright creepy) finds here. Some of the games were brought over from the former Playland at the Beach amusement park.

You'll also find the best sometime-school photograph booth machines in the city here – not the crappy digitally-printed kind, but the real, vintage kind!

Salesforce Park

Salesforce Park is one of the newer additions to the metropolis and many people have yet to catch on to its existence (notwithstanding), making information technology one of the all-time hidden gems in San Francisco (for at present). The urban park spans four blocks and is attached to the Salesforce headquarters building and transit eye.

Over 600 trees and 16,000 plants live inside Salesforce Park, creating an haven in the heart of the hustle and bustle of the Financial District. At that place are also fountains, green spaces, an amphitheater, and a walkable glass flooring that is the largest of its kind in the U.s..

To me, Salesforce Park seems similar San Francisco's answer to the Highline in New York City. Still, it is a beautiful park to hang out in, and has some of the best views of the downtown skyscrapers.

Lincoln Park Steps

San Francisco has no shortage of beautiful staircases, and the Lincoln Park Steps may just be my personal favorite. These steps have sat on the western edge of the city, near the Legion of Honor and Lands Terminate, and appointment back to the early 1900s.

After years of neglect and decay, the stairs underwent a consummate makeover in 2007. The result is a breathtaking mosaic design, built in the Beaux Arts style.

You lot tin notice them where California Street dead ends, near 32nd Artery, adjacent to the parking lot of the Katherine Delmar Burke School. They are kind of hidden unless you lot know to look for them (I'd definitely have not known of their existence past just passing through), making them one of the best hidden gems in San Francisco.

The 16th Avenue Steps

These steps in the Sunset District have become a popular Instagram spot in the final few years. But because they are tucked into a residential expanse (where nearly tourists never venture) and yous wouldn't know that they existed unless you were specifically looking for them, they are still one of the hidden gems of San Francisco.

The steps were a collaboration between local artists and the residents of the neighborhood. If you look closely at the tiles, y'all can see the names of the people who contributed to the project!

The project took 2 years to complete, and consists of 163 magnificent mosaic steps that portray a shimmering path from sea to sky.

At the top of the steps, continue going up the stairs across the street to attain Grandview Park, from where you lot can bask one of the best views in the urban center!

The Secret Garden Steps

Just a few streets over from the 16th Avenue Steps stands a 2nd mosaic staircase. Inappreciably hardly anyone knows of the existence of the Cloak-and-dagger Garden Steps, making it i of the most hush-hush spots in San Francisco.

Similar the 16th Avenue Steps, the Hush-hush Garden Steps were the result of a community arts collaboration project. The colorful steps are adorned with butterflies, plants and flowers in a psychedelic design.

Sutro Baths Ruins and Cave

The ruins of what once used to exist the world's largest indoor swimming pool is at present one of the most unique and fascinating hidden gems in San Francisco.

In 1894, self-made millionaire Adolph Sutro designed the lavish swimming complex, which housed six saltwater tanks (during high tide, the ocean could fill the 1.7 million gallons required in only i hour), 500 private dressing rooms, restaurants, and arcades that were enclosed with 100,000 anxiety of drinking glass.

Unfortunately, the baths were non commercially successful in the long-term. Afterwards Sutro'southward death, his family managed the complex, merely they were shut down during the Cracking Depression, after which the facility was converted into an ice skating rink every bit an effort to be profitable.

When that attempt failed, the Sutro Baths was sold to developers who, in 1964, started demolishing the complex to convert them into apartment buildings. The structure was destroyed in a large fire in 1966 – what remains of it is now i of the virtually fascinating and somewhat eerie hidden gems in San Francisco. Information technology is also rumored to be haunted!

This has ever been one of my favorite places in the city, and I always ended up taking out-of-town visitors here considering it is such a unique place that they may not necessarily have known most.

Catching the sunset here is an absolutely magical experience – if y'all tin really happen to be here on a sunny day, since the surface area tends to exist covered in fog most days. However, I beloved the mysterious vibe that the fog adds to an already mysterious place that the Sutro Baths is.

Be sure to also cheque out the sea cave, which many people exercise not realize is at that place!

San Francisco POPOS (Privately Endemic, Public Open up Spaces)

Did you know that at that place are over 50 privately endemic, public open up spaces throughout the city? These are publicly accessible gardens, atriums, terraces, and plazas that are maintained by private developers and are some of the all-time hidden gems in San Francisco.

These POPOS are the result of the city'southward 1% Fine art Plan, which requires all new building projects over 25,000 square feet to provide public art equal to at to the lowest degree 1% of the total construction cost.

Many of the POPOS are within the office buildings in downtown San Francisco and SOMA, but you can find some in the Mission and Dogpatch too.

Some of them, like this space in front of the 100 California building, change with the seasons – they clothes this 1 upward for the holidays! It's one of my favorite places to run across Christmas decorations in San Francisco.

You lot can see a list of all the POPOS in the metropolis hither.

Buena Vista Park

Buena Vista Park sits smack dab in the middle of the city, not far from the tourist hotspots of Haight-Ashbury and Golden Gate Park. While the park is a favorite of locals, very few visitors actually venture out there, making it 1 of the subconscious gems in San Francisco.

This is San Francisco's oldest park and features secluded walking paths that brand you forget that yous are correct in the middle of a large city, and one of the city's last remaining oak groves. It likewise has an incredible view from the top, which should be no surprise equally the park is named Buena Vista subsequently all.

If you are looking for some other one of the San Francisco hidden gems inside Buena Vista Park, the western trails on the park are lined with broken, unclaimed headstones from Victorian cemeteries in the past, but have establish a new purpose inside the park.

Treasure Island

Treasure Island is only one of those places that even most locals overlook as that human being-made island sitting in the center of the bay. Few people make it out to Treasure Island unless it'southward to become to the monthly flea market or the annual music festival, which is really also bad considering it's one of the best subconscious gems in San Francisco!

The island boasts one of the best views of the Bay Bridge and San Francisco skyline, especially in the evening when all the lights come up on the skyscrapers.

For one of the almost underground spots in San Francisco, check out the view from Blue Park – which really has been made famous because it'southward been used in several machine commercials, merely is really one of the best hidden gems in San Francisco considering hardly anyone (locals included) knows exactly where they were shot from.

Other fun things to do on Treasure Island include kayaking or stand-up paddling (or simply sunbathing) at Clipper Cove; wine tasting at Treasure Island Wines or The Winery SF; or biking around the island on a rented beach cruiser from A Tran's Bicycle Shop.

The Parrots of Telegraph Hill

Yous may not associate San Francisco as a metropolis where yous'd discover wild parrots, but hey, the urban center is full of surprises. While y'all'll find about of the parrots congregated in the Telegraph Hill neighborhood, around the Filbert Street Steps, they have been known to be spotted all around the metropolis, and take even been seen every bit far south as Brisbane.

How did there end up existence a flock of wild parrots in a major metropolis such every bit San Francisco? No one knows for sure, just a mutual theory says that the flock was started by wild-defenseless birds that were imported from S America.

The flock grew as other escaped birds joined the flock, and by 2005, in that location were over 200 of them flight over the city.

Urbano Sundial

Would you believe that I lived just a few blocks away from the Urbano Sundial for YEARS without e'er really knowing that information technology existed? I guess that actually does make it one of those hush-hush spots in San Francisco, doesn't it?

The massive sundial measures 28 feet tall and 26 feet high. While some theories advise that it was built every bit a catholic calendar built on a power spot (much similar the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids), the virtually likely reason for its existence is as a decorative centerpiece of what used to be the Ingleside Racetrack (what is at present the Urbano Bulldoze circumvolve).

Eventually, the racetrack was painted over and 750 houses were built around it, eventually becoming a heart-grade neighborhood – all that remains of it is the massive sundial.

Yous can discover this hidden gem in San Francisco at the terminate of Entrada Street, off Borica Street, off Urbano Bulldoze.

Lovers' Lane and Andy Goldsworthy's Wood Line

The 0.six mile Lovers' Lane is the Presidio's oldest footpath, originally used in the 18th century by Spanish soldiers and missionaries as a shortcut to go from the Chief Post to Mission Dolores. What remains of the trail today connects the Presidio Gate to the Main Postal service.

Walking along the enchanting trail is i of the nearly romantic things to do in San Francisco, but you don't necessarily demand to be coupled upwards in order to enjoy it! The picturesque path leads yous through a eucalyptus forest, a valley dotted with historic homes, and a mannerly footbridge.

What many who walk through Lovers' Lane don't realize is that the trail is also home to one of the most iconic works by one of the world's nigh renowned artists, Andy Goldsworthy. As y'all walk through the eucalyptus forest, discover the curvy lines of branches snaking along the floor – this is Goldworthy's iconic Wood Line installation.

The iconic work is quiet and subdued, inviting visitors to contemplate where the life of a tree begins – in the fertile earth. The Woods Line is meant to blend into the forest, making it easy to miss unless you were looking for information technology, making it ane of the best subconscious gems in San Francisco.

"Andy Goldsworthy Spire in the Presidio" past mcgrayjr is licensed under
CC BY-SA two.0 // edited by Caroline Ikeji

Andy Goldsworthy'southward Spire

Did you know that the Presidio is domicile to non i, but 2 iconic works of the legendary artist Andy Goldsworthy?

Whereas the Forest Line subtly snakes along the forest floor, the Spire towers over 100 feet high on the Bay Area Ridge Trail. Goldsworthy was inspired to create the sculpture later visiting the Presidio in 2006. The slice uses 37 Monterey cypress trunks from copse felled at the site and meticulously fastened together.

While the Wood Line invites visitors to contemplate the origin of trees, the Spire encourages them to expect up. The sculpture does a silent "call and respond" with other alpine landmarks that are visible from the site – the Transamerica Pyramid and Sutro Tower, to name a few.

Psst …did yous know that the Presidio is home to fifty-fifty more Goldsworthy pieces? In addition to the Spire and Woodline, you can as well see the artist'southward Tree Autumn and World Wall installations in the Presidio, making the park domicile to the largest drove of Goldsworthy's works on public view in North America.

Fort Point

San Francisco is full of interesting historic sites, many of which are some of the city's best hidden gems. One of these is Fort Point, which was built in the Civil War era, and has defended the metropolis through the Gold Rush and World War II.

Fort Point stands directly underneath the southern bridge of the Golden Gate Bridge, only is 1 of the best subconscious gems in San Francisco because many people don't realize it exists (or never really brand it all the way downwardly the waterfront to pay information technology a visit). That's too bad because there is so much history there – and one of the near unique views of the Golden Gate Bridge!

You'll get such a unique perspective of the bridge here, because you're basically standing right underneath it. Yous besides get upwards close and personal to the bridge's arch, which was designed in an endeavour to save the fort from being demolished when the bridge was constructed.

Fort Point has cute brickwork and arches, with 3 tiers of arched brick casemates to hold 126 cannons and seven-foot thick walls. The fort was revered for its forcefulness and dazzler, and was the just fort of its kind west of the Mississippi.

The fort has a serial of exhibits nigh San Francisco'southward military history, and also offers tours (including a candlelit evening 1), cannon drills, Civil War reenactments, and more. It has limited hours (probably one of the reasons information technology remains ane of the hidden gems in San Francisco), so check accordingly hither!

Bison in Aureate Gate Park

Did you know that Golden Gate Park is home to a herd of bison? Well, now you know. Many locals also don't know they be (information technology took me nearly a decade of living in SF to notice out about them!), making them one of the true San Francisco subconscious gems.

In 1890, a bison cow and a bison bull were transported to Gilded Gate Park from the Peachy Plains. At first, the bison lived near where the University of Sciences is today, but were eventually moved to the Buffalo Paddock, where they currently live.

At one point, the herd grew to xxx bison, but eventually dwindled over the years because of a bout with bovine tuberculosis. Just a few bison live in the Buffalo Paddock today – these are actually a descendant of the bison given to then-mayor Diane Feinstein in 1984.

When the bison get-go arrived in Golden Gate Park, the species were on their way to extinction. Over the years, over 100 bison calves were produced from the calves residing in the Buffalo Paddock due to a captive convenance plan that was put into identify. Fortunately, the species in North America grew to over 200,000 equally of 1998.

The Dutch Windmills and Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden

Situated on the far west end of Golden Gate Park sits an authentic Dutch windmill. You tin can come across the 75-foot tall windmill from the street and Body of water Beach, but many people don't realize that information technology is likewise domicile to a tulip garden, one of the nigh cute subconscious gems in San Francisco.

The Dutch Windmill (formerly known equally the North Windmill) was completed in 1902, and was originally built to serve as an irrigation system for the park. The windmill is inoperable today, but still stands surrounded by a vibrant garden named subsequently the Dutch queen who originally gifted the structure to the metropolis.

While y'all should definitely visit while the tulips are in blossom if you can (usually in March), at that place are even so and then many other flowers that are in bloom year-round, making any time a great time to visit!

Did y'all also know that there is a second windmill in Gilded Gate Park? After the North Windmill was declared a success, the city decided to build a second i. The Murphy Windmill (or South Windmill) was once the largest of its kind in the world, but many people do not know its existence, making information technology 1 of the true secret spots in San Francisco.

You can observe the Irish potato Windmill also on the western border of the park, towards its southern end adjoining Lincoln Avenue.

Huntington Falls and Strawberry Hill

Continuing on an island situated in the middle of Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park stands the 110-human foot tall Huntingtown Falls, i of the prettiest hidden gems in San Francisco. The human-made waterfall is surrounded by lush greenery, which makes you feel like you've transported into the tropics.

You tin can also climb to a bridge at the top of the falls and sentry the water cascade down by going up the trail on the side.

Following the trails leading to the tiptop of the island will bring you lot to Strawberry Hill, which at 430 anxiety, is the highest point in the park. From here, you can relish sweeping views of the metropolis, the Gilded Gate Bridge, and on a clear day, as far equally Mt. Tamalpais.

Some other San Francisco hidden gems that are nearby include the Gilt Pavilion, a Chinese-style pavilion which was a souvenir from Taipei, San Francisco's sister city; and Rainbow Falls, a 2d human being-fabricated waterfall, next to which there is a trail that leads up to a behemothic 64-foot Celtic cross.

"File:Shakespeare Garden.JPG" by Burkhard Mücke is licensed under
CC BY-SA iv.0 // edited by Caroline Ikeji

Shakespeare Garden

This tiny merely pretty piddling garden is one of the all-time San Francisco hidden gems located within Golden Gate Park.

The garden contains more than 200 plants and flowers that are mentioned within the works of William Shakespeare, transporting visitors to the pages of his sonnets, comedies, and tragedies.

An intricately designed gate and brick pathway welcome visitors to the garden. You'll see a nautical chart that identifies the plants contained inside the garden, likewise equally some of the nearly famous passages about flowers inscripted on the wall.

"File:San Francisco Wave Organ.jpg" past Frank Schulenburg is licensed under
CC BY-SA four.0 // edited by Caroline Ikeji

Wave Organ

Sitting on a jetty virtually Crissy Field, the Wave Organ is essentially a musical instrument that is played by the waves of the bay. This is ane of the well-nigh unusual hidden gems in San Francisco. Congenital in 1986 in collaboration with the Exploratorium, the Wave Organ is an acoustic sculpture that amplifies the sound of the waves in the ocean.

The jetty that the Wave Organ sits on is synthetic with granite and marble taken from a demolished cemetery, and the instrument itself is built from twenty PVC and physical pipes that extend into the h2o at unlike lengths.

When the waves coil in, the pipes create sound. The effect is similar to the sound that is created within a conch shell, only the pitch and sound change based on the corporeality of air in the pipes. The sounds are only created when the tide is in, and you will hear the most "music" at high tide.

Transamerica Redwood Park

At the base of the iconic Transamerica Pyramid stands a pocket-size wood of about 50 redwood copse. The one-half-acre mini-park provides a serene infinite in the heart of the decorated Financial District and is one of the hidden gems in San Francisco.

The redwoods were originally transplanted from the Santa Cruz Mountains. The park too contains ferns, boulders, sculptures, and a fountain honoring Marker Twain.

"Grace Cathedral Labyrinth" by jay galvin is licensed under
CC BY ii.0 // edited by Caroline Ikeji

Grace Cathedral Labyrinth

The iconic Grace Cathedral stands tall in the Nob Hill neighborhood, and is ane of the largest Episocpalian churches in the United States. At first glance, the ornate facade most looks like the famed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

The church contains a replica of the famed "Gates of Paradise" doors from Florence, numerous murals, as well as two labyrinths – one inside the church, and ane exterior. The labyrinths invite visitors to experience walking meditation, appoint in spiritual practise, or just calm the mind.

Grace Cathedral also hosts monthly candlelight labyrinth walks with live music, besides as weekly yoga classes on its indoor labyrinth. Cheque the events agenda here to see what's coming up.

Neptune Lodge Columbarium

The Neptune Social club Colombarium is i of the more offbeat hidden gems in San Francisco. It'southward a mystery to even locals – the impressive baroque and neoclassical building is tucked abroad on a cul de sac in the Richmond District, but no one really knows what the building is used for.

The structure was originally built as a complement to the existing crematorium, simply was abandoned once the city banned cemetery burials and cremations in 1902-10. The edifice changed buying several times over the yr before the Neptune Lodge took buying in 1980.

The interior features beautiful stained glass windows and other gorgeous details. Some of San Francisco'south most famous characters accept their remains housed in the Columbarium, including Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in California; Chet Helms, the founder of the Summertime of Beloved motility; and Jerry Juhl, muppeteer and author for The Muppets.

Stern Grove

Stern Grove is well known for its almanac concert festival series, but few people venture at that place aside from that, making it ane of the hidden gems in San Francisco.

The beautiful park features a recreation area, picnic areas, eucalyptus and pine trees, as well every bit a beautiful redwood grove. At the western end of Stern Grove is Pino Lake, the second largest natural lake in the metropolis.

Information technology's a corking spot to soak in nature, and to go for a walk or run.

Cottage Row

This tiny street subconscious in the Pacific Heights neighborhood features a row of remarkably intact Victorian homes, dating betwixt 1870 and about 1885. Cottage Row is piece of cake to miss and inappreciably anyone knows that it'southward in that location, making it i of the best secret spots in San Francisco.

A mini park stands in front of the Victorians, with a tiny green infinite and beautiful gardens.

You can detect Cottage Row off Bush Street, surrounded by Bush, Webster, Fillmore, and Sutter Streets, but half a cake from the bustling Fillmore Street commercial corridor.

"Macondray Lane" by jrover is licensed under CC BY 2.0 // edited by Caroline Ikeji

Macondray Lane

This pocket-sized pedestrian lane is tucked away in the Russian Hill neighborhood, and is the quintessential subconscious garden. The beautiful asphalt walkway is covered in flowering plants and trees, and is lined with beautiful Edwardian cottages.

A flight of stairs leads you to Taylor Street, from which you can bask some beautiful views of the metropolis and bay!

Macondray was added to the National Register of Historical Places in 1988.

Seem vaguely familiar? Macondray Lane is said to accept served as the inspiration for Barbary Lane in Armistead Maupin's Tales of a City serial.

Militarist Hill

While Hawk Loma is technically outside of the city (beyond the bridge in the Marin Headlands), it has such a unique view of the Golden Gate Bridge that it had to be included on this list of San Francisco subconscious gems.

While hordes of tourists and photographers flock to the nearby Battery Spencer (for good reason – information technology's got perhaps the best view of the Golden Gate Bridge), far fewer people get in further up the road to Hawk Hill.

That's a shame because those who get in hither are rewarded with a cute view of the Golden Gate Bridge, the bay, and the entire city of San Francisco. What makes the view unique here is that yous're in a higher place so it nigh seems similar you're standing on top of the span.

You'll merely find a few other people here, and at times you near experience like you lot have the view to yourself!

What to Pack for San Francisco

A  jacket:San Francisco tends to take some schizo weather – one minute it volition exist warm, and so the fog will roll and information technology becomes freezing cold in a matter of minutes. Dressing in layers and keeping a jacket on you at all times is a must!

Consider a lightweight, packable jacket that you lot can roll it up and keep in your bag while you explore these free things to do in San Francisco. Weatherproofing is also handy as drizzle is mutual when information technology's foggy, and information technology gets rainy in the wintertime.  For the warmer months, pack a jacket like this one for women, and this ane for men.

It can go chilly and rainy in the winter, then a packable down jacket is a must! I love this jacket for women, and this one for men.

Comfortable shoes or boots:You will want to wear comfortable shoes because let'due south face it – getting up those hills is a lot of work!). Definitely get a pair of comfortable flats like these or these – they are stylish but won't slow you down as you explore the city to tackle this list of free things to exercise in San Francisco!

In the wintertime, you'll want boots that keep you warm and dry out. I clothing these boots almost every day in the wintertime – they are comfy even when walking effectually the city all mean solar day, waterproof, and assistance me stay warm because they are alpine boots!

A power banking company + adapter:Y'all'll want to stay connected to help y'all get around the urban center, and this power depository financial institution will aid ensure that your phone never runs out of juice! I never leave home without mine, and information technology is a MUST on every unmarried trip that I take – both in the US and internationally! If yous're from abroad, you may besides need a power adapter to charge your devices – I always travel with this one.

Reusable water bottle: Staying hydrated during all that walking and exploring is essential! Be overnice to the environment and avoid buying plastic bottles of water – in fact, yous won't even exist able to buy plastic bottles of water at the SFO aerodrome. Be sure to carry a reusable water bottle – this is the one I acquit with me at all times. I love that it is screw top merely has a spot so information technology'southward easy to accept quick sips without spilling all over yourself. The not bad thing is that San Francisco has excellent tap h2o quality – our h2o comes from the Heth Hetchy Reservoir up in the Sierras, near Yosemite and doesn't have that chemic aftertaste that is then common in tap h2o in other cities.

Where to Stay in San Francisco

Hither are some choices for where to stay equally you explore these subconscious gems in San Francisco. I have personally stayed at all of these hotels and can vouch that they are all smashing places to stay on your San Francisco adventures.

Le Meridien San Francisco:This may be your standard chain hotel, but it's definitely got everything you need for a comfortable stay every bit you tackle this San Francisco saucepan list. Information technology'south centrally located and has easy access to public transportation and then yous can get to all these San Francisco hidden gems. The hotel is located in the Financial District and is catered towards business people, so rates tend to exist lower on the weekends, which is a plus!

Harbor Court Hotel:This boutique hotel is located on the waterfront and offers excellent views of the bay, and is also conveniently located with like shooting fish in a barrel admission to public transportation. The staff hither is super friendly and always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that y'all have the best stay. They also have a nightly complimentary vino happy hour in the lobby, every bit a plus.

Yotel San Francisco:Yotel strips down the hotel experience to the essentials, and skips the residual. It is friendly on the wallet, but the rooms are still comfortable and super modernistic! Yotel is likewise centrally located on Marketplace Street, with easy access to public transportation for exploring these secret spots in San Francisco.

Have you been to San Francisco? What are some of your favorite subconscious gems in San Francisco?

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