
Statistic 98 America Like Art 28 Americans Appreciate Artists

Superhero Day

Apr 28 is historic as Superhero Day. The holiday was created by employees of Marvel Comics in 1995, when the comic volume industry was on the brink of collapse due to rampant speculation in the collectors' market, overexpansion by retailers, and poor corporate management. Marvel declared defalcation the following year, hundreds of comic shops closed, and many independent publishers shuttered. Today (thanks in big part to films featuring Marvel and DC characters) superheroes are a multibillion dollar business; caped crusaders and masked avengers represent some of the about lucrative franchises in the amusement industry.

The Avengers (2012) Directed by Joss Whedon. Tony Stark, Robert Downey Jr.; Scarlett Johansson, Black Widow; Chris Evans, Captain America; Mark Ruffalo, The Hulk; Chris Hemsworth, Thor; Jeremy Renner, Hawkeye


See All Shows And Podcasts

Botanize Podcast logo


Botanize!, hosted by Melissa Petruzzello, is a podcast that volition innovate you to some of the world'due south most remarkable plants, fungi, and algae. These overlooked organisms accept fascinating evolutionary stories to tell about survival, exploitation, adaptation, and general scrappiness, and every episode volition pique your curiosity. From parasitic plants to kelp forests, Botanize! aims to showcase some of Earth's finest nonanimal life-forms and their bright ecologies.

Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction. audio series, podcast logo

Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction

And then far there have been five notable mass extinctions on Earth. A growing number of scientists argue that we're now in the midst of a sixth. Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction is a podcast hosted by John P. Rafferty that attempts to personalize extinction, emphasizing the survival challenges that familiar forms of life currently confront, while at the same time considering the pivotal roles they play in their ain ecosystems.

On This Day. Audio Series, Podcast logo

On This 24-hour interval

Hear the stories that propelled us to the present day through insights that lend perspective to our world with a nod to our own humanity. Britannica media editor Kurt Heintz, together with Emily Goldstein and Meg Matthias, is on a mission to spotlight poignant and noteworthy events for every solar day of the yr.

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Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) cow with calf in Ol Pejeta Conservancy in central Kenya.  Also called square-lipped rhinoceros. baby mother

southern white rhinoceros

The largest rhino group in terms of population, the southern white rhino is found almost exclusively in southern Africa from Angola and Namibia due east through Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Eswatini, and Mozambique, with smaller populations made up of introduced animals in Republic of kenya and southern Zambia. Southern white rhinoceroses also reside in zoos and private nature reserves worldwide.

Bab al-Silsila Minaret on the western side of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on The Noble Sanctuary, Old City of Jerusalem. (Muslims call it The Noble Sanctuary and Jewish people call it the Temple Mount)

Al-Aqṣā Mosque

According to Islamic sources, the Prophet Muhammad was miraculously transported i night from Mecca to this site in Jerusalem, where he led Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other messengers of God in ritual prayer. The term Al-Aqṣā Mosque is often extended to announce the entirety of the plaza on which the mosque and the Dome of the Stone stand up, although that area is known formally as Al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf ("the Noble Sanctuary").

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Browse by Category

Entertainment & Pop Culture Entertainment & Pop Culture

Entertainment and leisure activities have been a part of culture in one course or another since the ancient times. Dance performances, live music, and storytelling have a long tradition throughout history, even as the styles and bachelor methods of delivery have shifted dramatically.


  • jazz


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Geography & Travel Geography & Travel

Planet Earth contains some extraordinarily diverse environments, some of which are easily habitable and some not and then much. In different areas of Earth, ane might find sweltering deserts, dense tropical rainforests, or bone-spooky tundras. Each biome and habitat comes with its own option of flora and fauna, and it may include concrete features such as canyons, volcanoes, rivers, or caves. Human beings have built homes in many different environments, settling the expanse and organizing information technology into units such as cities, states, regions, and countries, each with its own points of interest. Shifting trends in human migration have resulted in a homo geography that is profoundly different from that of centuries agone.


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Health & Medicine Wellness & Medicine

The study of the man listen and body, how these office, and how they interact—non only with each other but also with their environment—has been of utmost importance in ensuring man well-being. Research on potential treatments and preventive medicine has expanded greatly with the evolution of modernistic medicine, and a network of disciplines, including such fields as genetics, psychology, and nutrition, aims to facilitate the edification of our health.


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Lifestyles & Social Issues Lifestyles & Social Issues

Information technology'south easy enough to hold that human beings all around the globe have sure basic requirements that must be fulfilled in order to ensure their individual and commonage well-being. History has shown usa, however, that it's not so easy to course societies or communities that fulfill these requirements for all members. The fight for man and ceremonious rights has persisted for hundreds of years and remains alive today, both inside the borders of nations and on an international scale. It has led to large-scale social movements and reforms concerning issues such as suffrage, slavery, women'southward rights, racism, environmentalism, gay rights, and much more.


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    Shopping for an earthly identify in which to spend eternity.

Literature Literature

With the development of linguistic communication, the man imagination has found a fashion to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work tin transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the by through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, advice becomes an fine art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of unlike languages and backgrounds.


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Philosophy & Religion Philosophy & Religion

Humans take long pondered non but how we came to be just as well why we came to be. The primeval Greek philosophers focused their attending upon the origin and nature of the concrete world; afterward philosophers have theorized about the nature of knowledge, truth, skilful and evil, love, friendship, and much more. Philosophy involves a methodical assessment of any and all aspects of human being and experience. The realms of philosophy and faith take sometimes intersected in conducting such inquiries equally these. As with philosophy, the study of religion underscores how humankind has long speculated almost its origins. The possibility of a higher beingness (or beings) to which livings things owe their existence has long captived homo thought. Many religions besides offer their own views on the nature of good and evil, and they may prescribe guidelines and judgment on different kinds of human being behavior.


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Science Science

How tin the sky exist blue one solar day and stormy the next? Why do heavy objects tend to autumn down when dropped? How are birds able to fly (and why can't I practice the same?)? Human beings take long been curious about the globe in which we alive, striving to identify connections among the phenomenons nosotros witness and to understand how it all works. The field of science has developed over many centuries as a way of studying and agreement the world, starting time with the primitive stage of simply noting important regularities in nature and continuing through the rise of modern scientific discipline. The mod-twenty-four hours sciences cover a vast range of fields, including biology, chemical science, meteorology, astronomy, physics, and much more.


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Sports & Recreation Sports & Recreation

Concrete contests and recreational games have long played a office in human social club. In both team and solo sports, the human being trunk has been pushed to its limits in the name of improving athletic performance and in order to suspension record upon record. The aboriginal Olympic Games are an early case of the contests in which humans have engaged to showcase physical prowess. In modern times, sports and games have evolved into a lucrative and competitive industry, while other leisure activities, such as card and video games, can be competitive or just serve equally a manner to unwind or socialize.


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Technology Technology

Humankind has long striven to meliorate its living conditions through the development of tools, instruments, and transportation and communications systems, all with the goal of making our lives easier, more productive and—why non?—more fun, likewise. Thanks to human curiosity and technological enquiry, many significant inventions have been made throughout history that in turn made a difference in our daily lives.


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    Kilo-, mega-, giga-, tera-, ???

Visual Arts Visual Arts

These are the arts that encounter the middle and evoke an emotion through an expression of skill and imagination. They include the nearly ancient forms, such as painting and drawing, and the arts that were born thanks to the development of technology, like sculpture, printmaking, photography, and installation art. Though beauty is in the middle of the beholder, dissimilar eras in art history have had their own principles to ascertain dazzler, from the richly ornamented taste of the Baroque to the simple utilitarian way of the Prairie School.


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    Larn earlier yous look.

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