
Lady Mary Married Again Episode Does

It took six seasons, only Lady Mary Crawley was finally served a fat slice of apprehensive pie on Lord's day's penultimate Downton Abbey — and I take to admit, I kind of loved watching her choke on it.

The problem began when Edith announced that Bertie — still waiting on pins and needles for an answer to his proposal — had lost his cousin, and that he was the next in line to become the Marquess of Hexham. "That'south absurd!" Mary thought aloud. "If Bertie's a marquess, then…" Robert cut her off, proudly proclaiming, "Edith would out-rank us all!"

No amount of words would do justice to the stank-face Mary made while processing this news, so I'm just going to let information technology speak for itself:

Downton Abbey Recap

If that wasn't your showtime clue that lunch betwixt Bertie, Mary, Edith and Tom would end in disaster, you wouldn't brand a very skilful detective. As if she were discussing a known fact, like the sky being blue or Carson being an emotionally calumniating husband, Mary told Bertie how much she admired him for accepting "who [Marigold] actually is," forcing Edith to reveal the truth about her daughter.

Mary attempted to play the "I thought he already knew" card, only after everything she's put her sister through over the years, her half-assed attempts were futile. Fourth dimension for pie!

Tom gave Mary her first nibble: "Yous ruined Edith's life today. How many lives are y'all going to wreck but to smother your own misery? … You're a coward, Mary. Just like all bullies, you're a coward." It was the emotional equivalent of a punch to the gut, admitting a deserved one. Tom was the last person Mary ever expected to come up at her, but considering his penchant for edgeless honesty — coupled with the fact that, somehow, he seems to know her amend than well-nigh others — maybe she should take seen this coming.

Merely like the truthful gentleman he is, Tom saved the bulk of the slice for Edith, who tore into her sister with one of the about painful, honest and long-overdue speeches inDowntonhistory:

Just shut upward! … Who exercise you lot remember yous're talking to? Mama? Your maid? I know yous. I know you to be a nasty, jealous, scheming bitch. … Yous're a bitch! And not content with ruining your own life, you lot're determined to ruin mine. … Don't demean yourself past trying to justify your venom. Only go. … And you're wrong, you know, every bit you and then often are. Henry'due south perfect for yous. You lot're just too stupid and stuck-up to see information technology. Notwithstanding, at least he'due south gotten away from you, which is something to requite cheers for, I suppose.

Nail. If Tom'due south speech was a gut-punch, Edith's was a full-on curb stomp — and it was exactly what Mary needed to hear. She and Edith eventually made peace, but only considering, every bit Edith says, their "shared memories volition mean more than [their] mutual dislike" someday. In other words, they might detest each other, but they're stuck together for life, so why not attempt to brand the all-time of information technology?

Downton Abbey Mary Wedding'A NEW COUPLE IN A NEW WORLD' | Considering the laws ofDownton Abbeystrictly state that Mary must always come out on top in spite of everything, the episode ended with her wedding to Henry — a subtle affair, far less grand than her outset wedding ceremony to Matthew.

Putting Mary'due south transgressions aside for a moment, I confess that I broke downward like a baby when she and Isobel spoke at Matthew'due south grave. Kickoff came Mary's words for her late husband: "The truth is, I love [Henry]. I believe nosotros are correct together, but I and then very much desire to feel that you're happy for me, equally I'd happy for you lot, my darling. Remember: Withal much I love him, I will always love you." Then, Isobel's words to Mary: "I don't know if you accept his forgiveness, merely you don't need to enquire for mine. I'1000 delighted." (Not bad, at present I'm crying once more.)

Downton Abbey Thomas Suicide'HOW SAD, HOW VERY Distressing' | Unfortunately, not every development was a pleasant one. As I, and many readers, have been cautiously predicting for weeks, Thomas finally attempted to take his ain life Sunday; if Baxter hadn't connected the dots and demanded archway to Thomas' room, he might have died right there in the hauntingly ruby-red waters of his bath tub. The suicide endeavor affected everyone differently; Mary, naturally, tried to identify the blame on Robert, a notion he called "rather below the belt, even for [her]." Though Thomas' task at Downton is prophylactic (for now), I'm curious about his future every bit a character. Will he bounciness back from this a stronger man? Will he finally find the sense of belonging he's ever wanted? (And am I the but 1 who one-half-chuckled when Carson discreetly informed Robert of the situation, just for him to scream, "Thomas has cutting his wrists? God in heaven!" for all the family to hear?)

Odds and Ends:

* "I always knew that women were ruthless, but I didn't call up I'd observe the proof in my own wife," Carson said later on Mrs. Hughes agreed the Crawleys should assistance repair the tattered reputation of Mrs. Patmore'southward bed and breakfast. She laughed off his comment with a kiss, telling him, "You lot're such an old curmudgeon … [simply] you're my curmudgeon." Is it just me, or has Carson been the worst ever since he and Mrs. Hughes tied the knot? I had higher hopes for those two.

* This was a beautiful line to Mary from the Dowager Countess, i which about changed the fashion I encounter Edith'southward wicked older sister: "You are the but woman I know who likes to think herself cold and selfish and grand. … Brand peace with your sister, and then make peace with yourself."

* I'grand not sure which would make a better spinoff: Spratt's underground life as Cassandra Jones, or Molesley's life at the school? (Just kidding, definitely Spratt. Equally Edith would say, it'd be "bananas.")

Your thoughts on this week'south crazy-crawlyDownton? Hopes for next week's (gasp)seriesfinale? Drop 'em in a comment below.


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